Dell One Identity Cloud Access Manager
Dell One Identity Cloud Access Manager

Dell One Identity Cloud Access Manager delivers secure access to cloud-based and internal web applications while improving security and IT efficiency.

Part of the Dell One Identity products from Dell Software, Cloud Access Manager provides single sign-on (SSO), just-in-time cloud provisioning, identity federation, access control and auditing for virtually any web application.

Features overview

  • Centralized authentication and single sign-on (SSO): Connect multiple user directories and applications into a centralized authentication “hub.” Move away from dedicated application-centric directories and the administrative burden they represent. Create a session spanning multiple web applications — hosted locally or by a software-as-a-service (SaaS) vendor — with a single login event and password.
  • Rules-based access control: Ensure that users can access only the applications they are authorized to use based on IT-defined user roles, eliminating inconsistent and ad-hoc security. Roles are based on rules evaluated in real time and using existing identity data, enabling granular control, even down to sub-regions of a web application.
  • Identity federation: Provide SSO support for cloud-based applications, multi-forest collaboration, heterogeneous platforms and partner extranets through identity federation. Cloud Access Manager eliminates the need for redundant user passwords in these cross-domain scenarios by supporting identity federation with multiple protocols, both Identity Provider (IdP) and Service Provider (SP) roles.
  • User provisioning in the cloud: Gain the ability to provision user accounts to the cloud for federated SSO to Salesforce®, Google® Apps™ and Microsoft® Office 365®. Centralize access provisioning and SSO functions into a single tool for greater IT efficiency. Save money by activating licenses only when access is used with just-in-time provisioning.
  • Remote access and application discovery: Simplify how users find the applications they need to get things done using Cloud Access Manager’s Application Portal. Users have streamlined access to easy-to-read, role-based collections of application links. Cloud Access Manager’s proxy gives users access to applications from a web browser at any location.
  • Access audits: Centralize authentication to simplify auditing and reporting on access events for compliance, repudiation and forensics.