Email Classifier
Email Classifier
Boldon James Email Classifier empowers users to assign a value to their Microsoft Outlook messages, by applying a visual and metadata classification label, helping prevent sensitive data being sent to the wrong recipient and improving security awareness. 
This provides organizations with the ability to not only ensure that they are complying with data protection and industry regulations, but also it adds significant value and boosts the return on investment of other security and data management technologies. 
Classification label choices are made via the familiar Office ribbon bar, with a range of fully customizable interface styles. Users are guided through a series of labelling choices, reducing complexity and ensuring validity of the final selection. Visual markings are applied to the content of Outlook messages. You can configure where the markings will appear within the Outlook message, the formatting, syntax and any dynamic placeholders, such as the username or date. Record classifications as metadata markings within the message headers – invoking and enabling other technologies such as Digital Rights Management, encryption and DLP. 
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