Enterprise Security Manager
Enterprise Security Manager

Visualize, Analyze and Comply

Making sense out of very complex data sets can be difficult. The configurations and events of large network security infrastructures are indeed complex, but Security Manager has a number of capabilities to help users better understand their posture so they are more aware of their risks and can analyze themselves for compliance.

Find and Reduce Risk

Ultimately, we'd all like to manage our network security from a risk-based perspective. To balance the need for access with the potential harm from compromise. Security Manager provides that risk picture and integrates it into security operations, enabling risk to drive your daily decisions.

With Security Manager, your risk becomes apparent. It can measure the risk potential from any source, provide prioritized recommendations on how to reduce your exposure and build risk into your change process to know risk before implementation.

Operations and Change Management

The volatility of most large networks is on the rise. Virtual data centers, mobility and cloud computing have drastically increased the speed at which the requirements for network security are changing. The impact to daily security operations centers mostly around configuration change management.

Firewall Cleanup

Cleanup is a special kind of analysis for firewall rule sets. Security Manager enables accurate, complete and ongoing identification of the configuration elements that can be removed from your firewalls.

Monitoring and Data Collection

To accomplish its amazing results, Security Manager must monitor your network security devices. It's just as challenging as it sounds. The larger and more complex the network, the more difficult it becomes to monitor. The number of devices, the diverse locations, and the amount of data that is generated are all obstacles that the management platform must navigate.