Policy Planner
Policy Planner

Policy Planner works alongside existing business-process automation tools and integrates everywhere necessary to ensure critical firewall enhancements. FireMon’s approach drastically advances the change process regardless of whether organizations employ sophisticated enterprise business process software or home-grown change management tools, whether communication involves attaching spreadsheets to emails, even when they have no dedicated tools at all.

FireMon Policy Planner augments network security change workflow with firewall-specific functions that:

  • Define device-specific compliance policies and ensure that proposed changes will not violate those standards - BEFORE changes are made
  • Capture firewall fields including source, destination, service and justification
  • Eliminate engineering for requirements already satisfied by firewall policy
  • Provide technical recommendations for all necessary firewall changes
  • Assess risk exposure for new access requests prior to implementation
  • Document rule changes in FireMon Security Manager

Policy Planner software integrates with existing business-process systems without affecting performance of those systems or requiring changes to user behavior by providing engineering tools that specify accurate and compliant rules that leverage existing workflow.